Continue to the stable and speak to Morris about everything. On the way, have a look at the broken fence where William fell. Head out the front door of the castle, and head towards the stable. Bates will mention Morris and the stables. Return to Bates again and talk to him about the old tower and some tools. In the attic, check out the locked chest, then go left and look at the door to the old tower - it is boarded shut. Return to the attic and use the key to unlock the door. Enter the kitchen at the other end of this room, and take the attic key from near the cellar door.

Look at the fruit bowl on the side table and take the sweets. After you have spoken about everything, cross the lobby again and enter the dining room. Talk to Bates, who is dusting the fireplace just outside the library. Go back to the main part of the castle, and go downstairs then across the lobby towards the library. Check the door to the attic, but it is locked. Put the photograph together in your inventory (don't worry, it's not as hard as it first appears). Look in the dead fireplace, then right click to find remnants of an old photograph. Go back inside and continue towards the old wing. Look at the old tower to remark that you must get inside somehow. Head back out towards the staircase and walk to the right, then go out to the balcony. Knock on the door and talk to Robert about everything. Leave your room and return to Robert's study. Open your suitcase, and take the headache pills and wallet - right click your wallet to get a coin. Also look at the large painting above the fireplace, then at the fireplace itself. Next look at the round portrait on the wall behind the chair. Now use this to unlock the bottom drawer, and look at the camera, film and bible in the drawer. Check the doorframe for the key, but it is too high - right click on the frame to find the key. Try to open the bottom drawer, but it is locked. Look at the album, but you don't want to pick it up. Look at the broken mirror, then open the drawer beneath it. Use your key to unlock the door and head inside. Head forward to the left, then approach your room door, which is locked. Look in the newspaper rack outside Robert's study, and you will find a letter from HH about a parcel. If you don't think any of the above situations apply, you can use this feedback form to request a review of this block.After the introduction, head down to the left, then climb the stairs and go forward towards your room.

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